Juan Martin

Reports have been transcribed without the teacher’s corrections


I liked very much this experience of being connected with somebody of another country.

I was selected to be on the group 18, my partner was Amanda. We chat through a wiki called Edmodo.

She is very nice, she told me about her and her family. We started talking about how Uberlandia was, she told me that there were lot of cars, that the restaurants over there are very nice, she made question about Argentina an Buenos Aires.

Then we started talking about our ages, and hobbies. She told me she does dancing classes. I told her that my hobby is tae kwon do, and that before this I made climbing.

She told me her dream was to climb. Also we talked about moving to other cities which any of us did, and that she had her family over there and her friends. Also she wants to go to an university on Uberlandia. We take the issue of work, and she told me she wanted to be a doctor, and I told her I wanted to be a multimedia designer.

She told me her mom support her on that career and that her mother worked a physiotherapist and as a lawyer. Her father doesn’t like the idea of being a doctor because he thoughts it is a lot of responsibility. Her father works as a vet and he doesn’t like dogs.

I told her about my fathers and my pets and then we talked about our family, if I had brothers or sisters. She has a sister called Ana Paula that is 11 years old. 

Also told me hole family lives on the same building.

She told me Uberlandia was a very hot place and she went to the south of Brazil and it was very cold.

The last thing we talked about is the music. I told her I like reggae and electronic music, and she also likes reggae but not so much electronic.

I liked talking with Amanda, she seems to be a good partner.